Kol Nidre

Elul 5

And we ask you, through the grace and the blood of Messiah Yeshua, to make them of no effect, shatter them, pull them down and destroy them.

I don’t know about you, but I have some long-standing patterns of sin in my life. Some of them, I am aware are rooted in lies, and I am working through them through freedom. Other patterns have had the root removed, but the habits that developed from years of living under the lies are lingering (like unconsciously opening the refrigerator to look for a snack when I am not even hungry). And I am pretty sure there is a nice long list of patterns that I have not yet recognized!

At times, it can be hard to imagine life without these strongholds or the unhealthy defenses we have built. We feel bound to them. Sometimes we even believe the lie that we were just “made this way, so we just have to deal with it.”

But… the grace of Adonai and the blood of Yeshua! They set us free! We are no longer tied to sin; that bond has been severed, and we are a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). The power of life that is in the blood shatters and pulls down the walls of sin, lies, and pain that have been erected in our lives! This victory has nothing to do with how much we deserve to be set free, or if we have earned it or not. Adonai pours out His grace by moving on our behalf, motivated by His love for each of us, so that we can have life and have it abundantly. Now that is sweet victory! 

Adonai, search my heart today for those unrighteous and unhealthy patterns that I have allowed to be established in my life. Show me the root so by the power of the blood of Messiah, and through the sweet gift of your grace, this stronghold can be shattered. I come out of agreement with the lies that have given these things root in my life. Today, I choose to yield to you and your truth that leads to life, victory, and freedom.