Avinu Malkenu

Elul 24

Have mercy on Israel, deliver her from her distress, 

and bring her to faith in Messiah Yeshua.


All of us have problems showing mercy at times, even when we realize God’s mercy is constantly being showered over us. I remember pleading for mercy to my mom as a child. Pleading for just one more chance to make it home on time. My curfew was when the streetlights went on, I had to be in the house. I don’t believe I often made it on time. So, my punishment was, no more playing outside for a couple of days (usually just one). However, on my punishment day, my friends would come and look for me to come out to play, and then the pleading began, most often with limited success. However, occasionally, mercy was shown, and I was allowed to venture out to try to make my negotiation promises come true.


My petitions for mercy were not the same as the Avinu Malkeinu, the prayer where the Jewish people plead for mercy to the King of kings on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. However, our plight and intention to seek forgiveness (and a new chance to do better) are a reflection of this prayer. Thank God for a merciful Savior who forgives and gives new opportunities to learn.


Likewise, we should be merciful to others, like Yeshua instructs us in the Lord’s prayer, “and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” After all, Adonai is interested in our soul, and what He asks of us is to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him.


Messiah Yeshua, I thank You for the mercy You have extended to us to forgive us for our sins. Show me the places where I have tried to bargain with You, to my detriment or out of a hardness of heart. Show me where I have taken Your mercy for granted. My Father and King, I ask You to also have mercy on Israel and the Jewish people, remove the veil, and bring them to faith in Yeshua as their promised Messiah. May they call out to You and hear Your answer.