Avinu Malkenu

Elul 26

Our Father our King, bring peace to the earth through the Sar Shalom, the Prince of Peace, Messiah Yeshua.


In the current season of our world, there are many things which can threaten our sense of peace. Political and social unrest. Health and safety. Personal and emotional attacks in relationships and families. But for us as believers, peace is more than just a feeling or state of mind. It is a promise. A word containing within it the power to execute on the promise. Yeshua Himself gave us this promise when speaking of the forthcoming Ruach HaKodesh in John 14:27, “My PEACE I leave with you.”


At Sukkat Shalom, every week we recite Isaiah 9:6, declaring Yeshua is, among other descriptors, the Prince of Peace. “Sar”, the word for prince in Hebrew, also means captain or the one who has the most authority on a particular vessel, and who has been given the assignment to lead it. In this case, the “assignment” of the Sar Shalom is to bring, by His very nature, peace to any situation because He is our peace and lives within us. Even if the boat is in danger, the “Captain” is always at peace so He can make effective decisions and lead his crew to do the same. 


What decisions are ahead of you today? Are you making them as one who is at peace, hearing a word from Adonai? As we finish up these last few days of Elul, let us follow the lead of our Captain, our Prince of Peace, Yeshua, living and modeling peace even as uncertainty surrounds us, so that we may lead others to turn to Him as their source of peace as well. 


My Sar Shalom, my Prince of Peace, Wholeness, and Completeness, I know You see the world in which You have placed me. Even in what seems like chaos to me, You have determined the times and the seasons. Search my heart so I may repent of the times when I have contributed to chaos and have not walked in shalom. I yield myself to You, to Your authority in my life, so I might be a carrier of Your shalom into the world of those around me, so they may be drawn to You.