Welcome to

Sukkat Shalom Worship

The mission of Sukkat Shalom Worship is to disciple people

by leading them to encounter the presence of God in Messianic Jewish worship

Our vision is to see the manifest presence of God every time we meet for corporate worship

as an outpouring of His goodness and favor to transform us supernaturally

We want to see a developing worship ministry influencing

the congregation, the Messianic movement and the body of Messiah

Worship Staff

  • Steve Hazel

    pastor of worship production

    When I first started at Sukkat the Messianic genre of music was kind of new for me. I had been part of The King's University’s chapel band, leading a lot of Gateway songs, Bethel, Hillsong, so this was kind of different! As I was getting used to the sounds, listening to the words and the meaning behind them, it captured me and I started thinking that I can do something with this music, and build it to a place where it could reach a broader audience. At Sukkat Worship we incorporate new sounds with synths and pads to bring it to a different place, without neglecting the beauty this genre already has.

  • Renate Hazel

    pastor of worship development

    We are from The Netherlands, and we came to the United States in 2015 with our kids to be part of the Worship Leadership program at The King's University for one semester. And we are still here, in our fourth year of study. We left our professions in the medical field to really pursue what the Lord has for us in worship. For me worship means responding to God with all that I am, to all that He is and all that He is doing.

The Story of "Barchu"

When we planned to do the live recording of Barchu our congregation had only 21 members! That's crazy! But we sensed the Lord was in it so we kept moving forward. We had a song-writing session and in one day we had 6 songs completed and two more started. We asked people for help and they were excited to be part of it. The Lord provided and we compensated everyone at least a small amount. The venue was another miracle the Lord provided. Technical difficulties mounted left and right the night of the recording, but when go time came we were on. The Lord explained to us what He was doing: He was taking us at the speed of favor.

The speed of favor is when the Lord causes you to skip seasons, and He advances you faster than normal. That's definitely what He did with us. We felt His wind in our sail; it didn't feel like we were striving to make things happen on our own strength.

The quality you hear in this project and the prolific amount of musical and sound details are the product of countless hours spent by our own musical producers, Steve and Chris, crafting the sound of each song. Our goal was to produce an album that would enhance worship in the Messianic movement by hosting the presence of God. Our heart is to share our resources so other congregations can use these songs to draw near to the throne.

Barchu Album